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Radiators - you can have wall mounted if you prefer - it's up to you.I've written this article again as certain events have prompted me to address other points on this subject. Please forgive the overlap, the original post is here.,...

Radiator feet. - Do you need them, and what to do if you don't want them.I'm writing this post due to the amount of times we have after sales questions regarding feet on column radiators. All ourradiators come supplied with the appropriate amount of...

As the quest for energy efficiency and aesthetic appeal in homes continues, the debate over whether designer radiators are more efficient than their traditional counterparts has gained momentum. Radiators are essential components in heating systems,...

The world of home heating is constantly evolving, and with the rising popularity of vertical radiators, a common query arises: Can vertical radiators be used horizontally? Let's unravel the possibilities and considerations of flipping these tall and...

With a sharp rise in popularity in the modern home, the question must be asked… Are designer radiators worth it?