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It Drives Me Up The Wall!

Don't worry, I'm not upset about anything. I want to talk about vertical radiators. Up the wall. Geddit?

I want to take you on a little trip back in time. I was born in the 1970's (actually 1970 to be exact. I could have potenially knocked nine years off my age by leaving it as it was, but I'm not wearing well enough. Heh.). Those who are of a similar age and a bit older will remember watching the old John Pertwee and Tom Baker episodes of Doctor Who.

In our nostalgic recounting, watching this series with its various monsters and aliens we seem to have embraced this idea that we would be so scared by these characters, we would 'hide behind the sofa'. Its almost become a prerequisite for evidencing you were there. "Oh I remember the Daleks, but it was the cybermen that really scared me!" Incidentally, we also only remember two breeds of monster which should only serve to illustrate how suspect our memories are. 


Sorry, I need to get this back onto the topic of radiators. My question is who lives in a house with living rooms sufficiently large to accomodate hiding space for scared children nowadays?

More importantly, are our rooms smaller, or is it that we have less room because our living rooms have more in them? I think the answer lies in both. This causes problems when we want to put radiators in. 40" T.V.s are the minimum and if one can squeeze in two three seater sofas, then we will. Don't forget your kids also need sufficient space for the XBox Kinect sensor to work properly. All this additional occupancy means one solution when it comes to radiators. Go up. Or stick the radiators behind the sofa. At least your small children will be warm when Doctor Who is on....

Vertical radiators make for a perfect solution in our increasingly cramped living spaces. Three main reasons for this.

1: Vertical radiators make use of the dead space above the height of a dado rail (unless you really like hanging pictures more than warmth ;) )


2: Because they are very pleasing from an asthetic point of view, vertical radiators are usually hung in more prominent places, thus allowing heat into the room. 


3: Because many are produced in sections or elements, a vertical radiator at 1800mm high with 6 sections is invariably less expensive than its horizontal counterpart. 


Whilst they are mostly available as contemporary radiators, there are some in traditional styles. The best thing to do is have a look around the website or pop into the showrooom. We've got plenty on display and even more available to order.

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